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« In-Memory Data Structures for Real-Time Personalization | Main | Data Structures for Sequence, Time Between and Pattern »


Gary, I am always impressed by the quality level of your posts and papers.
Not only they are very powerful methodologies (and thus replicable), but they also make a lot of sense and are yet simple.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
― Leonardo da Vinci

Thanks for sharing your knowledge. It has often provided me with a great mindset and approach to make sense of numbers, data and most importantly, to derive real insights that DO HAVE business impacts at the core.


Hello, Thank's for this exellent post. I have a question. Can you give a little description of the requested fields and what the results should be. An example is always welcome. Fields:
•TouchVisitorSegmentCodes (Tier 1)
•TouchVisitSegmentCode (Tier 2)


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