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CONGRATULATIONS! I was wondering what all that shaking was this morning. Here's to all the Digital Analytics Geeks that have made it to primetime!

Congrats to you! I agree with Andrew's comment, about time Analytic Geeks & Nerds get their due respect :)

Good choice, Gary. Congrats!

Gary, a game changer for sure, hearty congratulations! Perhaps now we can finally get to the place we have been trying to go.

Pretty sure the E & Y folks will be surprised at how far we've been able to take this "by ourselves". Now the real fun begins!

Needless to say Gary, we are excited for you and the Semphonic family. Congratulations to you all and we look forward to continuing our rewarding business relationship and friendship for many more years to come.

First I would like to wish the entire Semphonic team a huge congratulations on the acquisition, and especially Gary.

This might be one of the biggest milestones for the digital analytics industry in a long time, and the beginning of a new era for our industry. As Jim Novo also mentions, it's amazing how far we have been able to take it 'ourselves'. This is without doubt a major tipping point that will affect other companies in the industry in the future.

You've come a long way, baby, and I cannot WAIT to see what happens next! Like a software company that's acquired by another, I expect a whole lot of behind-the-scenes activity followed by some astounding progress. Don't stop blogging!!

Oh, and of course - Congratulations!

You were just the best before, and became unattainable now :)

Congratulations Gary! Thank you for sharing your valuable insights so freely across the year. Huge potential still.

E-commerce sales in the fourth quarter of 2012 accounted for 5.4 percent of total sales.


Big news, congratulations!

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