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Great piece. It is important for any analyst to remember the age of social platforms, and the diverse landscape for user generated content. One thought I have shared with my team members has related to the idea that noise is often created around the volume of product sold, and the discounts that apply. Coupons, free offers, etc, plague the ProActiv market as you referenced, where as you are unlikely to type coupon for Ford 500 into Google and get many results. I read through the WCAI study and "Insights for Practitioners" but it seemed to lack this thought process.

As you mentioned though, I think its best that practitioners continue to apply tested measurement and optimization strategies to an emerging segment such as social. If we can optimize conversions or attract engaged visitors through social channels, we are doing something right.


This is excellent thought. I believe social media will change the world of online marketing that we are looking today. What changes we can see in the near future is the topic for the internet marketer to discuss on. The things like Tracking, Monitoring social media campaign will have a more look to find out the what exactly people think via various social media networks facebook, twitter and google+ etc.

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