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I respect your thoughts, and your invention of Functionalism is one of the most beautiful and structural methodology I've ever read. SiteCatalyst is a sophisticated and powerful tool, and one cannot use it skillfully without having decent technical knowledge. When I switch from HBX to SiteCatalyst, it gave me a steep learning curve. But I personally don't distinguish "implementer" vs." analyst" when it comes to web analytics. In any situation, a good 'analyst' should know the ins and outs of the tool that he/she is using, which includes eVar/props/events in the case of SiteCatalyst. I share one of Adam's comments; it is that some of the most creative analyst I know also has deep technical knowledge.

Also, I know in nowhere of your post suggest this idea, but the very impression of labeling someone as implementer or an analyst gives me a little bit of unease. I've been working in this industry for more than 5 years, and this is the first time I've ever heard of this phrase "implementer vs. analyst". Those who are focusing on implementation don't like to be called an "implementer"; one cannot architect a good implementation without having a good understanding of the business, the company culture, and corporate process. Those who dig around the data probably don't like to be labeled as just an "analyst". In most organization, you'll have someone doing a little bit of both. Also, in Asia, where I now work, and where web analytic is not as mature, one has to wear many hats, and be very well rounded. It doesn't matter which school of thoughts we end up fall into, we know we just need to deliver results at the end.

Without going into the full evar vs. prop details, I wanted to clarify one statement:
"Omniture provides most clients with unlimited, free two-way correlations (crosstabs) of sProps - configurable in the interface"
You're technically limited to 15 2-item correlations no matter what's included in the contract. Having to use one for every correlation (pagename<>keywords, pagename<>countries, ...) can quickly eat them up. Additionally correlations show page views (being instances) and a lot of unspecifieds (messing up the table & graph). Not sure how many times I've tried to explain those...


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