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I totally agreed with Gary that this Summit has added a lot of flavor of Adobe. During media and publishing focused sessions, I have found many irrelevancies and was hoping the next summit can be blended with more "metrics"!

Completely agree with everything. Especially the API token limit, i've also been complaining about this for years, 10k is still discouraging to development. We dropped development on the API a year ago because the costs were preventative. The stranger thing is that the excel client can make unlimited free requests... I guess no one has worked out how to charge for those yet...

Out of interest, was there any changing to the pricing tiers above 10k?

As a web analyst in the media/publishing industry, I'm actually glad to hear that we're getting more product offerings, as we've been virtually ignored for years in favor of more marketing/conversion/e-commerce attention. This is certainly not a negative in my eyes!

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